Do I really need SEO?

Does a goldfish need water?!!

Unless your website meets a specific need for a short period of time your business needs SEO to be competitive online.

SEO makes a lot of business owners and marketers scream Aargh! And it goes in the too hard basket. If your goal is getting more business, then SEO is a must to ensure you’re capturing the right customers who are searching for what you’re offering. The more visitors that locate you, the more potential customers and sales you will have. It’s that simple. SEO is essential for a thriving online business.

So how does it work?

SEO is a blend of actions and techniques that assist search engines to discover you, trust you, arrange the information you’re publishing and displays it to visitors looking for it.

It involves:

  • Understanding your business and what key aspects should be pushed in order to grow
  • Carrying out keyword research to figure out what your customers are looking for
  • Evaluate your competitor’s online strategies
  • Optimising your website accordingly
  • Creating content that is readable, specific, engaging and supports your SEO strategy

SEO is technical and results take time….often 4-6 months

that’s because it takes time to build content collateral and time for Google to discover your website, qualify your content and start to give it authority. A new business entering a highly competitive industry with well-established competitors can take even longer…but once the first page has been hit it’s a matter of maintenance.

“I don’t have time for SEO”, you now say. By involving a SEO specialist, SEO doesn’t take up much of your time. SEO is our thing, we get what needs to be done and when. Get in touch with us at More SEO if you want more traffic, more customers and to learn more.

Saturday, 31 August 2019

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